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Cheshire East Safeguarding Children’s Partnership

Keeping Children Safe in Cheshire East

CE SCP Multi-Agency Toolkit 

It is vital that children and young people receive the right service at the right time. Practitioners decision making, needs to be led by evidenced based screening and assessment of what the child is experiencing and the impact on them of carers behaviour. This approach is supported by Working Together 2018. For this to happen, all professionals who have contact with children, young people and families have a responsibility to recognise issues as early as possible and assess whether intervention is required.

Assessment should be a dynamic process that identifies analyses and responds to the changing nature and level of need and/or risk faced by a child. Continuous assessment is crucial in ensuring that the help and support being delivered is having the intended impact. 

This multi-agency assessment toolkit has been developed to support practitioners to undertake effective assessments that enable them to accurately identify appropriate cases in need of early help or onward referral to Children’s Social Care. The tools included should also be used to review the effectiveness of the support plans that are in place and the outcomes for the child/ren. 

Using the assessments early in intervention will hopefully support positive outcomes for children, meaning onward referral may not be required. However, should a case need referral, professionals will be expected to evidence why a threshold has been met despite appropriate intervention. The assessments included in the toolkit will provide a record of evidence for this purpose. 

Completion of the relevant assessments and screening tools is therefore an important part of any referral to the Cheshire East Consultation Service (ChECS), Child and Adolescent Mental Health Team (CAMHS) and Commissioned Services.

CE SCP Multi-Agency Toolkit (MS Word, 1.8MB)

Useful Documents:

Keeping Children Safe in Cheshire East