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Cheshire East Safeguarding Children’s Partnership

Keeping Children Safe in Cheshire East

Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse is one of the most common adult issues affecting children, is often linked with substance misuse and mental ill health and can seriously impact all areas of children's health, safety, wellbeing and achievement. 

Professionals must follow the CESCP Policy to identify, protect and support children and young people and those who care for them. We work closely with the Cheshire East Domestic and Sexual Violence Partnership to keep children and families safe. Domestic abuse tools and resources can be found on the livewell website. Contact details for the Cheshire East Domestic Abuse Hub are also available.

Safeguarding decisions about domestic abuse should be made on the same basis as with every other case by contacting the Cheshire East Consultation Service (ChECS). Telephone 0300 123 5012 (option 3) or visit Cheshire East Consultation Service for more information

Contacting us

There is one single 24/7 point of contact for getting help with domestic abuse - Cheshire East Domestic Abuse Hub:

The hub offers help for the whole family – those who are harmed as well as those whose behaviour is hurting others. The earlier we can offer support the better so please don’t hesitate to get in contact with the Hub.

Keeping Children Safe in Cheshire East