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ICON week 2023
Domestic abuse training
"Honour" based abuse training
(August & September 2023)
Threshold of Need Launch 2023
Training programme
ICON is an evidence based programme consisting of a series of brief ‘touchpoint’ interventions that reinforce the simple message making up the ICON acronym.
- I – Infant crying is normal
- C – Comforting methods can help
- O – It’s OK to walk away
- N – Never, ever shake a baby
The measures to contain and delay the spread of COVID19 are already presenting major stressors for families which they cannot control e.g.
- Loss of income
- Self-isolation with children and potentially at risk adults
- Social distancing restrictions on activities which might lessen stress (e.g. sports, social engagement and entertainment, celebrations)
- Social distancing restrictions on activities which might enhance support and coping (e.g. support groups, children/baby groups and classes, baby clinics).
Please share the ICON coping techniques with families across your networks
Welcome Pack Flip Book Updated Version January 2023
Username: ICON
Password: ICONPORTAL20
ICON Language Translation
Helpful and simple instruction screenshots (PDF 1.4MB) to support accessing the ICON message for families where English is not their first language. Could you ensure that it is shared widely across teams where the ICON message is provided to enable the message to be clearly communicated.
Keeping children safe in out of school settings

The Cheshire East Safeguarding Children’s Partnership works together to ensure that children and young people across the borough feel and are safe.Their latest campaign aims to raise awareness of government guidance to help parents choose a safe, out of school setting for their child.An out of school setting (OOSS) is a group, club or individual who offers activities tuition or training to children. Sports clubs, private tutors and activities provided by faith voluntary groups are all examples out of school settings.
Most out of school settings are safe spaces which provide fun, educational activities and classes for children of all ages; however, any person can work or volunteer at an out of school setting and private tutors don’t have to be a qualified teacher.
Unless it is an Ofsted registered childcare provision, an out of school setting is not required to be registered by any statutory organisation and there are often no regulatory or governing bodies involved. As a parent or carer, and before leaving your child in an out of school setting, you should be reassured that your child is safe. You should feel able to ask questions about the provider’s activities and policies and a well-run and trustworthy provider will welcome these questions and provide answers to reassure you.
The Department for Education have published guidance to parents and providers to help parents choose a safe setting for their child. They cover community activities, after-school clubs, supplementary schools, tuition, music lessons, sports training and include:
- questions you may want to ask a provider
- examples of good answers you should expect to hear back
- warning signs you should look out for when choosing a provider
You can access the guidance by following these links:Guidance for Parents and Carers on Choosing Safe Out of-School SettingsQuestions to help parents and carers choose out-of-school settings.
Coroners Support Service
The Coroners court support service is a free independent service that provides support to anyone attending coroners court ( family members, witnesses, professionals). They have the service in Cheshire’s coroners court, the coroners officers send the details to people attending court. At as hearings are currently virtual they support people prior to hearings but plan to be back in court when face to face hearings start again. Please see the Coroners court support service leaflet (PDF, 644KB) for information
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